Oh my, where do we start? We just love the ultra cool paintings by Lisa Vaccino that depict a surreal version of contemporary everyday life. With almost unbelievable attention to detail she builds a fantasy world that pinpoints our day and age. The aesthetic is naive and detailed, with inspiration from the small things in life. 

Lisa Vaccino Painting details Lisa Vaccino Paintings 

Lisa Vaccino works as an Art Director, but since a few years back she takes one day off per week to spend time doing what she loves most, paint. She studied visual communication at Beckman's College of Design, but didn't really continue drawing and painting after her graduation, until the need grew too big. Unlike her day job, painting is a space where no one else can decide or ask her to change things. 

Lisa Vaccino Painting   Lisa Vaccino Artist Portait

Lisa Vaccino always paints using Gouache paint, which is a kind of water colour that has more pigment than the more commonly known aquarelle colours. The result is that colours are more intense, which really holds true in Lisa's vibrant paintings. 

Discover Lisa Vaccino's paintings