Inspired by the mediterranean

At The Ode To we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry, so we asked Silvia Foz to tell us a little bit about her life, her art and her sources of inspiration.

Silvia Foz Artist Portrait Handmade Ceramic Artworks Minimalistic Vases

What do you call your series of artworks?

– Hetero.

What technique have you used?

– Coiling technique.

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– The mediterranean.

Silvia Foz Artist Portrait Handmade Vases Ceramic Artworks
Silvia Foz Artist Portrait Handmade Vases Ceramic Artworks Vase
Silvia Foz Artist Portrait Handmade Vases Ceramic Artworks Collection

What other artists do you admire?

– Georgia O'Keeffe. I feel a strong connection to her aesthetics, even though she primarily dedicated herself to painting. Her working style was always intertwined between New York City and the desert in New Mexico, striking a balance between the bustling city life and the peacefulness of nature. It was both her inspiration and her creative sanctuary. Her home was a simple yet warm space, with a keen attention to detail. She is, without a doubt, my greatest influence.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– I am a photographer and filmmaker based between Barcelona and New York. I started experimenting with ceramics when the pandemic began. I had always wanted to learn, but since I was constantly traveling for work I never found the time to dedicate myself to it. The pandemic was an opportunity to do so. It was my therapy at that time. Since then, it has become an additional tool of expression and creative support.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

– Sensitive. Raw. Pure.

What we love about Silvia Foz:

We're in awe of how Silvia Foz seamlessly blends a warm, minimalistic, and playful expression with true craftsmanship.