Marquetry portraits

At The Ode To we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry, so we asked Klara Knutsson to tell us a little bit about her life, her art and her sources of inspiration.


Klara Knutsson Swedish Artist Studio Atelier Female Artist Handmade Artworks Original Art Contemporary Wall Art

What do you call your series of artwork?

– Considering the use of perspective and architectural motifs I decided to call this series of artworks “Structures”.

What technique have you used?

– My work is based on the traditional marquetry technique. This means I’m using a scroll saw to cut each part of the veneer to create my original artworks. The materials I use are discarded veneer from the furniture and interior design industry.

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– My art is inspired by people and places that I’ve seen. The grain in the wood is perfect for creating depth and perspective in the picture and I often end up drawing architecture and big shapes for that reason. I also find inspiration from looking at people on the subway or in town.

Klara Knutsson Swedish Artist Studio Atelier Female Artist Handmade Artworks Original Art Contemporary Wall Art
Klara Knutsson Swedish Artist Studio Atelier Female Artist Handmade Artworks Original Art Contemporary Wall Art

What other artists do you admire?

– I find the work of Edward Hopper inspiring. His play with light and perspective as well as his portraits influence the art that I make. I also like contemporary artist Jens Fänge for the same reasons. I really like the way Fänge uses patterns and structure in his work, since the wood grain I’m working with has similar qualities.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting but my background is in cabinet making. I’ve studied at Malmstens Linköpings University in Stockholm and have a journeyman's certificate in cabinetmaking. During my studies I had the chance to learn the technique of marquetry and I immediately fell in love. In marquetry I can combine my two big interests, woodworking and art.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

– Detailed, Architectonic, Calm


What we love about KLARA KNUTSSON:

Marquetry is seen by many as a lost art form, but Klara Knutsson is definitely here to revive it. With a point of view rooted in contemporary art along with a background in traditional craftsmanship, Klara creates handmade wall art that is truly unique.