At The Ode To, we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry. So, we sat down with Studio Krus, the talented artist behind "The Journey" series. With her versatile, colorful, and utility-focused artworks, Studio Krus takes inspiration from her time in Mexico, capturing the vibrant colors, nature environments, and elements that surrounded her.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– From a young age, I had a passion for handwork, constantly drawing and painting. Thanks to my parents' support and their love for art, I was exposed to exhibitions and museums, which fueled my curiosity. While initially juggling event production and art, a turning point came when my mother fell ill, prompting me to fully dedicate myself to my true passion. Since 2018, I have been a full-time artist, grateful for the opportunity to bring my artistic vision to life.

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– Drawing inspiration from my experiences in México, I found inspiration in the vibrant colors, delicious food, and captivating nature environments that surrounded me.

What technique have you used?

– For these unique artworks, I used a combination of painting, sewing, and embroidery techniques, using natural cotton fabric and linen.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

- Versatile, colorful, utility.