Artistic Diversity

At The Ode To we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry, so we asked Mercè Hernández to tell us a little bit about her life, her art and her sources of inspiration.


What do you call your series of artworks?

– I usually don't title my works, I simply number them to be able to identify them. In the case of small-format works on paper, I usually number them with Roman numerals to distinguish them from the large ones. Sometimes in this format I also use letters or syllables instead of numbers. This time if all the works in the series are put together in the order in which they were made, they form the name of the singer who accompanied me throughout the process: Lhasa de Sela.

What technique have you used?

– I used a mixed technique in all cases: oil, waxes, pastel, gouache and ink. All works are on paper.

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– Inspiration is always activated by making the work, I search and search until I reach a place where I want to stop. I can only say that music often accompanies me during this process.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– Creation in all its aspects has always fascinated me, I started with dance, which I practiced for many years, then I studied the degree in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona driven by this desire to create. There, in the first year I fell in love with painting. The color has always had something that captivated me, the light, the ability to generate emotion, the relationship we have with it. Later I studied a Master's Degree in Artistic Production and Research to find new stimuli and to this day I continue to research within the path of art.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

– Endless, colorful, organic

What we love about MERCÈ HERNÁNDEZ:

Mercè Hernández's approach to art is fascinatingly diverse, marrying an amalgamation of techniques like oil, waxes, pastel, gouache, and ink on paper. The absence of titles in their series, forming a singer's name when combined, embodies a unique way of storytelling, intertwining music and visual art seamlessly.